Sweet Love
Day 7 - A SHINee dance you know all the moves to
Monday, October 17, 2011 | 3:15 PM | 0 comments
Wah!!! Comelnya!!!
Tapi mcam ada yg x btul plak kan animal d atas nie dgan character SHINee yg sebenarnya.
The truth is
Taemin-Mushroom.I'm not sure which animal resembles Taemin.
Hi :)
Day 7 challenge already.
Okeyz,let's start now.
Honestly,I'm not d type of person who can dance.
So,there's no SHINee dance that I know all d moves too.
Kalo setakat sikit-skit tue bolehlah.
Lagu yg sama jugak.
Ring Ding Dong,Lucifer,Ready Or Not,A-Yo n Hello.
Kalo semua step sy tau mmg hebatlah kan.
Tapi,malangnya sy x sehebat n x se pro org lain.
Mgkin 20% ja yg sy boleh buat.
This step sy hanya boleh buat perfect bila tgok SHINee's moves ja.
Kalo sy ndak tgok SHINee kan,sy ndak boleh buat nie step.
Move it~Move it SHINee.

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