SHINee’s 3rd Japanese single - ‘Lucifer’ will be released on 12th October!
Friday, September 09, 2011 | 4:01 PM | 0 comments
Wowowow!!!!!!!!Such a good news.Dalam bnyak2 lagu SHINee,Lucifer lah yg sy paling nantikan for Japanese Version.Actually Ring Ding Dong n Lucifer.But,maybe Lucifer is more powerful so they choose this song.I'm happy,happy,happy,happy,happy.Saya suka.Apa yg buat sy bertambah happy pasal drg akan release MV.I hope their MV for JV will more hot than KV lah.And I already saw their pics for Lucifer JV,and they looks nice n hot.I hope Key will not shave half of his hair in the JV of Lucifer.This pic is more clear.I really hope they style will maintain like this especially Key bcuz I don't like his hair in Lucifer Korean version.Aww~Hot.I don't carelah if Key's hair will be like colourful or rainbow2 like that but please with his full hair.No shave2 n worst,no hair.Andwae!!!!!Uh,I really can't wait for 12th October.Too bad,it's almost for my SPM.Actually I'm shocked when I see this.I didn't expect that they will release their other song into JV.Thank You SHINee for make my day today.Mmmuuah!!!My SHINee are so busy now.Sy bimbang owh dgan kesihatan mereka.Pegi sana,pegi sini.Macam drg lgsung teda rehat owh.Then,bsok drg buat concert SHINee World lagi di Singapore.Alahai,punya dekat suda dengan Malaysia tue.SHINee yah~When all of u want to come to Malaysia n make a concert here?Huh?But,please after I finish my SPM,okeyz:)Hehehehehehehe.12th October please come faster bcuz I can't wait for that day.Sy rasa ndak lama lagi teaser drg akan keluar tue.Tapi,sy wonder lagi,bilalah agaknya SHINee sy nie akan buat comeback di Korea?Ada idol lain yg mau wat 2nd comeback suda.SHINee plak,lgsung blom wat comeback for this year.I'm sad.Saya menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran suda nie.Alang-alang,bgus jugak kan kalo SHINee sy wat comeback bulan 12 nie atau paling baik lepas sy habis SPM.Jadi ndak lah sy sibuk sngat.Tapi tolonglah jangan sampai SHINee sy langsung ndak wat comeback for this year.Pity Shawols.Chebal SHINee ah~Make a comeback soon!!!!!Love,