Sweet Love
New Font :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 | 7:47 PM | 0 comments

Tiba2 ja hari nie sy rasa mcam mau start suda ubah font sy when I'm typing my post.
So,from now on,I'm gonna change my font.
I don't want to use d usual lagi.
Mcam boring bha kan,bila sy tgok kecik jer font yg sy guna b4 this.
Same like my own handwritng gitue.
I'm gonna make it with colourful colourslah.
Owh ya,who's that girl?
She's Hyosung from Secret.
I like her.She's cute n also I like his gums.
Gums girl.
Saja ja guna her pics.
Oklah,until this ja for my new font.

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