Sweet Love
SHINee Trending
Saturday, May 21, 2011 | 11:38 PM | 0 comments
First of all,i'm not studying today.Bad me.
Ok,back to the title.

 See d things above?My SHINee are trending now @Twitter.Chukahae My Sweet Boyz.If I'm not mistaken they trending since 7 p.m bgitulah.It starts with d 3 cute junior,Key2Min then followed by leader Onew n dino Jonghyun.Aren't that great...I'm so happy n proud.The reason for the 5 boyz to trending bcuz this coming 25 May is their 3rd year Annivesary.Chukahae SHINee yahh~I can't wait for d day although my Account exam will be held on that day.4 days from now.Keep trending okeyz Ma Boy.Saranghae.

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