5 Years With SHINee ♥♥♥♥♥
Saturday, May 25, 2013 | 10:42 PM | 0 comments
Aww~Aww~Look at my babies above.They're still really-really young here.Such a babies. Dear, Lee Jinki,Kim Jonghyun,Kim Kibum,Choi Minho and Lee Taemin~ Happy 5th Annivesary my shining Chagiyas! Happy Birthday SHINee! You guys already 5 years! And you guys grown up so well and loved by many people.SHINee World loves SHINee ♥ I hope SHINee will always success in this career and I also hope they will achieve their big dream.Daesang Award for this year,juseyo :) Stay healthy SHINee yah~Take care of each other and take care of yourself.Shawols will feel so sad if SHINee members is sick.Then,if you guys sick,that one member that sick will 'missing' from SHINee like 2 months.Onew and Jonghyun.With one member missing from SHINee,it's 'torture' Shawol's heart by seeing only 4 members.So,please baby.Take care okay.Eat a lot healthy food like fruits and drink plain water a lot to maintain you guys beautiful voice.Be happy cuz Shawols happiness is when we see SHINee is happy.We will be more happy.Smile cuz you guys have the most shining and the sweetest smile ever.That sweet smile like bunny.That sweet smile like puppy.That sweet smile like kitty.That sweet smile like frog.That sweet smile like mushroom.Okay,I know 2min's smile sounds weird especially Taemin's.Hehehe.Please ignore that.And the most important thing,loved each other and just stay by each other side till the end.Onew,Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin.No matter what happen someday,you guys just stay by each other side and support each other.When you guys become one it can overcome everything.You guys look the best like seriously the best is when you guys have each other.Five of you.My precious ♥
'Annyeong Haseyo,Bitnaneun SHINee imnida'. 5 Years of greeting already.Sobs.That precious greeting.Can I make a greeting too? 'Annyeong Haseyo,Nae Shawol Yeongwonhi imnida'.That.Hahaha.Broken Korean.Ayy~Ayy~My English also broken.Btw,that gif above is so precious? Wae? For those who follow SHINee's update must know,geutchie.Actually,on 1st April 2013,Jonghyun involved in car accident.Sobs.Poor baby.And bcuz of that,he have to undergo a nose surgery and he have to rest from all SHINee's activities.We've been missing you Jjong! And on 23th May,he's back after almost 2 months he didn't join OnKey2min's activities.And my SHINee World life is so complete and much happy now since Jonghyun comes back.OT5 is the best! Okay, back to my 'speech'.The very first thing I wanna do when I meet SHINee someday is,to thank them for everything.By knowing SHINee,I learn a lot of new things.I became a new person and a better person.That's why even if I say 'Thank You' to SHINee for thousands or million times,it's still not enough.They're mean so much to me.
Dear SHINee,my Dear Onew,Dear Jonghyun,Dear Key,Dear Minho,Dear Taemin~I just wanna say Thank You so much to you guys for you guys existence as SHINee.Thank You for making me know you guys.Thank You for making me choose you guys.Thank You for making me only love you guys.Thank You for making me stick and glued to only you guys.Thank You for making me who I am now.Thank You for making me believe that,if we're became one,we can overcome anything in this world.Thank You for making me laugh out loud like crazy when I see the dorks,mischevious,playful and funny side of you guys.Thank You for making me cry and sobbing like a baby whenever I am so touched and moved with you guys.Thank You for making me smile,grinning,giggling like crazy person when I see the sweet and cute side of you guys.Thank You for making me feel loved by you guys although we are so far away from each other.Thank You for making me a crazy and pabo person whenever I see you guys at TV,listen to you guys song at shop and when I read a fanfics of you guys.Thank You for making me dream a big dream.Thank You for making me 'evil'.Thank You for all the beautiful and splendid quotes from you guys.Thank You for all the amazing songs.Thank You for all the fantastic dance step.Thank You for all the variety show of you guys.Thank You for being a good Appas to Yoogeunnie.Thank You for making me can't stop thinking of you guys whenever I hear or see things that related to you guys even though it's just a small thing.Thank You for making me a loyal fan of you guys.Thank You for making me promises that I won't leave you guys until the end 내 인생의 .Thank You for all the work hard until you guys are who you guys are now.Thank You for stay strong although so many bad rumours about you guys come.Thank You for making me join SHINee World.Thank You for always shine.Thank You for giving me that weird feeling that I can't describe until now.Thank You for making my heart beat faster when I see you guys.Thank You for making me collect SHINee's albums and making me collect SHINee's merchandise.Thank You for being with me when no one else was.Thank You for making me proud of you guys.Thank You for being awesome, amazing, handsome, sexy, dorky, perfection, cutie, adorable, derp,'evil', beautiful, kind, nice, fantastic *Break Down* Thank You for that perfect OTP.Thank You for making me heart you guys.Thank You for all those beautiful voices.Thank You for being my precious and shining Lee Jinki,Kim Jonghyun,Kim Kibum,Choi Minho and Lee Taemin.Thank You so much for all this 5 years.Thank You so much for making me always love you guys.Thank You so much for locking me forever in SHINee World.Thank You so much for everything.Thank You so much for SHINee's love towards Shawols.Thank You so much for making me love you guys soooo much like crazy that I feel like I want to cry.Thank You so much for making me cannot forget you guys everyday.Thank You for making me chooosee SHINee.Thank You soo much cuz you guys are my inspiration and you guys have inspiring me to work hard and never give up like you guys and be a better person.Thank You so much again and again cuz you guys come into my life and makes me who I am now.Sooo many Thank You geutchie.Hahahaha.But most of all,I wanna Thank You guys for being SHINee.Being my Onew,my Jonghyun,my Key,my Minho,my Taemin.Thank You for being 5.Thank You soo much for being my SHINee and OT5 ♥ Knowing,these five shining stars named SHINee,I am so thankful.
That beautiful Pearlescent Sky Blue Ocean.Someday,I will be a part of that beautiful Ocean.InshaAllah.25th May 2013.5 Years with 5 Amazing Boys.5 Years Of Happiness,Laugh and Joy.5 Years of Tears.It's been 5 years already since SHINee born.My babies~Time flies so fast rite.I feel like I just updating my bloggie for their 4th Annivesary last year and Tadaaa! It's already their 5th Annivesary.One thing,that I regret is,I was not being able to love SHINee from the start.I'm sorry SHINee yah~If only I know you guys earlier,geutchie.May 2008-Nov 2009,what am I doing that time? Herm~Form 2 and Form 3.But,it's okay.Not being a fangirl from the start doesn't make you a bad fangirl,geutchie.Most,important thing,we early or we late come to this fandom,we should always stay by SHINee side.Until the end and never leave them no matter what happen.Through good or bad times,we must always stay by SHINee's side and keep supporting them until the end.That's the most important thing in being a loyal fangirl.True fangirl.How can you not love SHINee when they're being so amazing,awesome,adorable and perfect day by day.And year by year.Like seriously,I don't know how those ex-Shawols can leave SHINee.Actually,I'm 'amazed' with those fans cuz they can.Bcuz for me,it's soooo hard to leave SHINee World.Sooo hard to leave my 5 shining stars.Honestly,I ever think to leave this fandom cuz I was soo busy with study,college life and other things.But know what,the day after that,when I woke up from sleep,when I open my eyes in the morning,the first thing that I saw is SHINee's photo that I stick on the left side of my locker.It's the photo during their SWC II at Singapore.Those time when they celebrated Onew and Minho's birthday.I feel like crying that time.How could that think ever crossed in my mind? Mianhae SHINee yah~Jeongmal Mianhaeyo.Seee,it's soo hard to leave.Mothae.I will never think that bad thing again.
My love for SHINee is too~I don't know how to explain it cuz there's no words can explain how much I love SHINee.They mean so much to me.They are my world.That's why I living in SHINee World.How can I leave SHINee when they are the reason for me to smile widely and happy like crazy.They only making me loves them sooo much.I promise to myself that I will never leave my five shining stars and my fandom until the end 내 인생의.InshaAllah.Nothing is last forever in this world,geutchie.I always know that SHINee also won't last forever.One day,they gonna have a life with their own family.One day all SHINee members will getting married with the woman that they love.I wonder who gonna be SHINee member's wife? Hahaha.That 5 lucky woman.Can I be one from those 5 woman? Hahaha.Just Kidding! But,who knows? You know.I know.Haha.And few years after that,they gonna have a babies that is so cute just like their appas.And we Shawols too gonna went through the same thing like SHINee.Isn't that cute when someday we already getting married and have kids but still fangirling over SHINee? Hahaha.Kyeoptaa~That's why I cherish every moment that I have when I'm with my SHINee World.Being in SHINee World and loving SHINee is one of the best thing that ever happen in my life.I hope SHINee will stay together for a long time in this entertainment industry.They already 5 years and I hope they will stay together for the next-next years.Let's make it 20 years.Hahaha.The longer the better.And our precious Leader Onew tweet last nite. He Tweet 'I've spent 5 years with you all.The next 5 years will go by easily~Ohohohinghinghoh'. See,Onew wants to be with Shawols for the next 500 years.Jinki yah~Let's make 1000 years instead. Hahaha.1000 Years,Always By SHINee's Side (^_^) That Yong-Gam Onew being so cute on Twitter last nite. He also tweet 'Congratulations on your 5th Annivesary' and the he replied to his own tweet 'Thank You ^^' and then he reply again 'Hahahahaahaha ^^' Gosh.Jinki.Why you being so cute and precious like this.Hahaha.Did you guys spot his Sangtae there? I love you so much Onew! And today,he tweet again 'Ohohohohoh (5 5 5 5 5)!!!!! 5 coming!!!!! Come in 5!!!!! Woahahaahak let's go ah ah!!!!! ' Such a cutie.Seems like he's so excited for today's special party.I believe rite now,that special party already end.Jonghyun also tweet today.He tweet 'It's been 5 years oh say oh say'.Sobs.Precious baby cuz he's so excited too and after that special party end Jjong tweet '5th year already....! It was an interesting fan-meeting~~^^ Everyone go back safely..!' Awww~Jonghyun ah~That's so sweet of you! I love you so much Dino.Precious JongYu is so precious.Kibum ah~aren't you gonna post something in your Instagram today for SHINee's special day? Chebal Chagiya~Okay,back bout SHINee's year.I hope my SHINee will be like their SHINHWA sunbae.They're still together after a long time they debut and they just make a comeback! Dear Onew,Jonghyun,Key,Minho,Taemin~Stay together for a long time.I will always love you guys and will stay by SHINee's side no matter what happen.I'm just gonna stay here.Watching SHINee.Loving SHINee with all my heart.Lee Jinki,Kim Jonghyun,Kim Kibum,Choi Minho,Lee Taemin and SHINee World Hwaiting! Without SHINee,my life would be so bored.It's like I don't know what should I cekidaout in this internet.Really.And those moment when I first know SHINee,I never expect that I will love them as much as like now.It's incredible.How SHINee can change my life 360 degree.Mehehe. Know what,there's a time that I feel like I've known SHINee for a long time.Like I really know them.I don't know how to explain this but that feeling is so beautiful.And there's a time that I feel like SHINee is so close with me.Really.Although,we so far from each other,I can always feel that SHINee's love.Thank You for that love my Onew,my Jonghyun,my Key,my Minho and my Taemin.I love you guys so much and I will continue loving you guys for today,tomorrow and the next-next year.Let's make it many years SHINee yah~SHINee World loves SHINee sooo much and I know that SHINee love Shawols too.I love my fandom so much.And this thing makes me cry like crazy last nite and also laughing at the same time while listening to it.Precious.Like seriously,my feelings when I listen to that is sooooo~I can't help my feelings.It's too beautiful.I'm proud to be a SHINee World.A Shawol.SHINee World may not the biggest fandom but I can say that we are one of the best and strongest fandom out there.SHINee was hated,scorned and many left the fandom.But true Shawols will always stay :) Thank You.Thank You for everything my dear SHINee.Thank You soo much my five shining stars Onew,Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin ♥♥♥♥♥ And until here.It's 10.24 pm already.Hahaha.While writing this I went to other place then continue writing and went again and continue writing again.So,GoodBye Annyeong Adios everyone (^o^) Why So Serious? Hahaha.
Jam Jamkannman.Say BaiBai to SHINee first! Thank You :)
Almighty Key Day
Sunday, September 23, 2012 | 1:53 AM | 1 comments

~Saengil Chuka Hamnida~
~Saengil Chuka Hamnida~
~Saranghaneun Kim Kibum~
~Saengil Chuka Hamnida~

Kibummie Omomomo~Such a cute song (cutelah sngat) *clap cutely*clap cutely*clap cutely*.It's the same song I dedicated to Jonghyun.Hehehe.Woah~Time flies so fast right.I still remember last year when I make an entry for this hot boy.It was a really long entry actually.But maybe for this entry,it won't be that long.I've been so busy this days with my college (everyone is busy rite) so I can only spend my time with SHINee on half Friday,Saturday and half Sunday.So shaaaad~But it's okay,at least I have time.So straight to the point,Imma start my speech to Kibummie now.Warning! It's gonna be 'over' again.Hahahaha.Chulbal~

Woot! Woot! It's Captain FranKey Guys!
Dear Kim Kibum!
Saengil Chuka Hamnida Key ah~
Remember Jonghyun's "Happy Birthday Key! I Love You"?
Okay.Imma gonna say it now.
Happy Birthday Key! I Love You!
Key already celebrate his B'day with OnJongTae few days ago.
Without Minho :(
So,Kibum ah~I hope you will celebrate your birthday again with all SHINee members.
Will you?
My Kitty Boy!
How can I not love you Key?
Chagiya~Happy 21st Birthday!
Bong ah~You're still young.
Kibummie~ for your birthday I hope you will always success in everything you do and with SHINee.
Yeobo~Be healthy and happy okay.
You know that I will become so worry rite if you fall sick.
Kibummie~You so skinny nowadays,so eat a lot Baby.
When Onew eat chicken,you can eat the chicken with him.
I know you hate it when you fat but you look shoo cute when you chubby Key.
I feel like I wanna pinch-pinch your pink cheek.
Kibum ah~Can I? Hehehehe
Darling~Drink a lot of plain water because it can prevents you from having sore throat.
Remember Key,your voice is so precious.I really love your unique voice.
Drink Strawberry Milk too!
Drink Strawberry Milk too!
So,take a good care of your voice also yourself and your members.
My pity precious boy,I know you and your members is so busy rite now,but please take a good rest.
Sleep well and sleep tight.You must sleep even just for a while.
My Cutie Birthday Boy~
I love you not like a love song.
I love you just the way you are.
I can say that I love everything about you.
Kim Kibum~
I'm not someone who can wrote beautiful words but for you I will.
But not here,just in my heart.
Hey You! My Strawberry Milk! What I love about you?
I love your unique voice.
I love your 'shepet' eyes.
I love your dimples that rarely can be seen but when it's appear,it's the most cutest thing.
I love they way your laugh.Your 'loud' laugh.Hahahaha.
I love every inch of your flawless not so flawless milky skin.
I love your hidden scar.
I love your eomma side.
I love your diva and annoying side.
I love it when you say the truth things although,sometimes some people can't accept it.
I love your playful,naughty and mischevious side.
I love your cute,hot,sexy,handsome,adorable,sweet side.
I love it when you making a skinship and bromance with SHINee members.
I love your skinny simple body that got a growing muscles in there.
I love everything you wear,you're are my only one Fashionista Boy.
I love your hair although your hair not always so nice.Hehehehe.
I love it when you dance.Any dance as long as it's by you.
I love it when you try or doing something new.
I love it when you choose Pink as your fav colours.
I love your kitty,shy,cutie sweet smile.
I love it when you play with SHINee members.
I love it when you being Captain FranKey.
I love your beautiful quotes.
I love your arts.
I love your character from all the fanfiction that I've read.
There.What else?
Have I mention Everything about Key?
Yeah.That's the thing.
Kim Kibum,he's not my Bias but he's my Ultimate Bias.
There's a different between those two rite.
Key,he's not my 1st neither 2nd bias but he will always be my Forever Ultimate Bias.
I've said this for many times.
No one can replace or take him from my heart.
What's so special about him that makes me love him so much?
I've say it too.Hehehe.
I love Key just the way he are.
Some people who just know him or only know him might think he's an annoying person.
Okay.He's annoying.
But only Shawols/Lockets know what kind of Key's Annoying.
His annoying side can't make me hate him because I used to it.
It's just that,day by day I love him more.
I'm proud with him also.
Year by year,he makes a lot of improvement from himself.
His good acting skill from the musical 'Catch Me If You Can'.
I love you Captain FranKey!
His voice also getting so much better.
Eh~Hey~This boy that always makes me crazy.
Makes me smiling,grinning,giggling,laughing,crying,screaming all alone.
Dear Key,you're a sensitive person.
Do you know that it's breaking my heart to see you cry?
But I won't asking you not to cry.Just cry Baby if that can makes you feel relieved.
I will cry with you,Chagiya.
But Kibummie~When you're happy,I will be more happy.
Happy a lot,you know.
So,be happy always with SHINee memberdeul okay :)
Stay with SHINee for a long time.
Stay with SHINee for a long time.
Dear Kibummie~
I wanna thank you for what you've done to my life.
You Key,Onew,Jonghyun,Minho and Taemin.
Thanx for complete my life~
Kibum ah~
Thank you for making my heart choose you and SHINee.
Thank you for shining my life.
Thank you for making me happy when I'm sad.
Thank you for always cheering my up.
Thank you for being my precious inspiration.
Thank you for always be there with me.
Thank you for always making me 'crazy'.
Thank you for being my Ultimate Bias.
Thank you for everything you have done.
Thank you so much Dear Kim Kibum.
Key,Kim Kibummie,Key,Kitty,Chagiya,Yeobo,Bong,Baby,Darling Sweetheart,Love
It's all you Key.
I love you.
Really love you.
No words can explain how much I love you,Kim Kibum!
I will always loving you and support you.
I'm not going anyway because I'm just gonna stand by you and SHINee.
Kibum ah~Let's cherish our love together okay.
On One Fine Day,I believe that I will meet you and SHINee later.
Dreams do come true rite.
I'll be waiting for that day to come.
Key ah~Saengil Chuka Hamnida~
I hope you will have a blisfull day today on your birthday.
Sobs.Baby,I know you're tired but just enjoy your day.
Do something fun with after you rest later.
I'm listening to Keeping Love Again now.
I will keep my love for Key forever!
Kibum ah~Nomu-Nomu Saranghaeyo.
Kibummie~Keep smiling because you have the sweetest smile in the world that can makes me happy.
Last words,
I love you Kim Kibum,Thank You for everything ^_^

Okay~Ohay~I'm done with my speech to Key.Heee~Tehee.Hehehehe.Eh~Hey~I'm doing all this 'crazy' ( my one-side speech) things every year since I became a Shawol.But too bad I can't do a speech for Taeminie bcuz I'm too busy.Mianhae Taemin ah~ :( Uhu~I'm in dark now.My roomates already turn off the light even before I started to wrote this entry.Hahaha.I wrote in a dark.I'm with my lovely 'JongKey' here.Thanx for accompany me Baby.Btw,today me and Nini will celebrate Key's Birtday at somewhere in Key's Heart.Hahahaha.So,it's 1.53 am now! I shudda sleep rite and let my 'JongKey' and my whole body rest.So,Adios!

Fellow Locket/Best FF Ever!
Monday, September 17, 2012 | 3:25 PM | 0 comments

Then,girl tue ckaplah kat saya "Of cuzlah saya kenal.Itu suami saya.Key" Bila that girl ckap mcam tue saya terus excited n saya kalo excited pasal SHINee mmg gila.Hahahaha.Then,kitaorang terus bersalam.Apabila madu berjumpa madu secara bersemuka.Saya mmg sngat happy waktu tue.Smpai ada bnyak mata-mata memandang sy kat surau waktu tue.Sorry,saya tak dapat kawal diri saya waktu tue,tapi mmg sy ada cuba kawal.Nama fellow Locket tue adalah Nini.Actually,Nini tue kawan roommate sy sbab dorang main ping-pong sama-sama and dulu Nini pernah jugak masuk bilik saya skjap tapi waktu tue kitaorang hnya senyum-senyum je sbab saya bukanlah jenis orang yg bnyak ckap dngan orang yg sy belum kenal betul-betul.Berbeza dengan diri sy kat bloggie nie.Siapa sngka kan,rupa-rupanya Nini tuelah adalah orang yg saya cari selama nie.Found her! Actually,dia pun excited bila terjumpa saya.Kami terus tukar-tukar nombor! And from that day,mmg kami terus rapatlah.Inilah kuasa connection of fangirl.SHINee,Shawol,Locket and Fangirl Power! Hanya fangirl yg memahami fangirl.So,sejak sy dgan Nini telah bertemu mmg Nini selalu pegi bilik saya.Lagipun 2 roommate sy adalah mmg kawan Nini jugak.Tapi dia ckap mmg 'madu' dia adalah sbab utama dia selalu lepak kat bilik saya skrg nie.Nak dijadikan cerita lagi,rupa-rupanya Nini tue jiran saya.Bilik dia kat sebelah ja.Hahaha.Mmg senanglah dia pegi bilik saya kan.Nini.How can I describe her.Nini,she's beautiful and brilliant and she's a really nice person.Dia nie boleh dikatakan popular lah jugak dekat kolej bcuz bnyak Guys suka dia.Senior and same semester students.Tapi dia low-profile jer.Pasal Nini nie pandai orangnya,so sy n roommate mmg selalu minta ajar di Business Maths.Lemme tell,sy start kenal Nini sebagai Shawol/Locket nie 28 August 2012.So,bila Sabtu menjelma tiba,mmg kami nonstop talk about SHINee and SHINee.Btw,she will attend SHINee World Concert @ Singapore this 8th December.And dia booking ticket online for that concert depan mata saya sbab dia bawa laptop dia pegi bilik saya.Perasaan saya waktu tengok dia booking ticket for SWC tue hnya Tuhan ja yg tahu.Ahhhhh~Mcam-macam perasaan ada.Sebak.Lain betul perasaan saya.Argh.But,I'm happy for her.On One Fine Day,saya pun akan jumpa SHINee and pegi Concert dorang jugak nanti.Insyaallah.Nini orang JB so mmg senanglah dia pegi Singapore kan.Dia mmg ada ajak saya tapi bila fikir pasal 'money-money' mmg sy terpaksa tolak.Sobs.
Ohaaayyy~Next story,best FF ever! Actually cerita nie ada kaitan dengan Nini jugak.Nini tnya saya,samada saya baca fanfiction atau tak.Then saya ckaplah,sy mmg baca tapi dah hmpir setahun saya tak baca ff sbab tiada masa,tiada mood and malas.Hahahaha.Then,Nini cadangkanlah sy baca oneshot.Oneshot of Key.Hehehe.Dia mmg cadangkan bnyak oneshot and lepas sy baca oneshot tue,mmg semua best.Bayangkan saya yg lebih setahun tak baca mana-mana ff/oneshot tiba-tiba baca balik.Perasaan tue ah~Especially it's Key's.Lepas baca beberapa oneshot,saya tiba-tiba teringin nak baca balik ff.Nini cadangkanlah saya baca satu ff nie.JongKey's ff.Woo Hoo! Nini ckap once awak dah baca ff JongKey nie,awak akan rasa yg ff yg awak dah baca tak setanding dengan kehebatan ff nie.Saya terkejut jugak Nini ckap gitue.And saya terus baca Chapter 1.Bila saya start baca ff tue,mmg mata saya terus terlekat dengan ff tue.Rasa mcam tak boleh berhenti.Habis ja baca Chapter 1,saya terus tekan Next,next and next.Mmg betul ckap Nini.FF tue mmg sngat best.Actually,saya hnya ada kesempatan baca ff tue Jumaat malam,Sabtu and Ahad ja.Sebab saya sudah disiplinkan/tekankan diri saya untuk,saya hanya boleh on Laptop hari Jumaat (lepas habis kelas),Sabtu and Ahad ja.Alhamdulillah,mmg saya suda biasakan diri saya dengan keadaan nie skrg.Hari-hari yg ada kuliah mmg sy x boleh on Laptop langsung sbab sy tau sy xkan dapat kwal diri saya.Sambung balik,keseluruhannya,saya baca FF tue 6 hari ja.Tapi bukan 6 hari berturut-turutlah.Saya baru ja habis baca ff tue semalam.Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~Perasaan saya lepas habis baca last chapter tue mmg betul-betul gila.Badan sy rasa mcam bergegar n saya tak dpat elakkan diri saya daripada menjerit.I feel like crying.Mmg gila kesan ff tue keatas saya.Okay,inilah ff yg mmg telah membuat saya sngat-sangat gila.Click JongKey.Yayayaya.It's JonghyunxKey ff.Hahahaha.Honestly,walaupun saya ship all SHINee Coupure especially JongKey,Onkey and 2min tapi kalo ff mmg saya lebih prefer SHINee members with girl.Sebelum nie mmg saya pernah cari jugak JongKey ff kat AFF tapi bila saya start baca rasa mcam terlalu mengarut that's why lah sy x cari lagi~And ff yg betul-betul sy rasa best sebelum saya baca that epic sweet precious JongKey ff, ada 3 ja.And of cuz mmg semua Key punya ff.
Tapi macam yg Nini ckap,bila sy habis ja baca MAE semalam,mmg 3 ff and other ff lain yg saya suda baca sangat tidak setanding dengan MAE.Bukan saya nak ckap tinggi atau sombong,but it's the truth.Kalo ada yg sanggup nak baca ff MAE tue silakan.Hehehehe.Kalo Shawol especially JongKey shippers yg baca ff tue,mmg ff tue akan beri kesan yg sngat mendalam kat hati kita nie.Imma Hard JongKey Shipper! 1 reason yg membuatkan saya betul-betul fall in love dengan MAE adalah sebab saya rasa character Jonghyun dengan Key sangat real dengan Kim Jonghyun and Kim Kibum of SHINee yg saya kenal.Hnya True Shawol yg tau pasal nie.Satu lagi,ff nie sngat-sngat sweet.Senyuman saya melebar memanjang setiap kali saya baca MAE nie.1 more thing jalan cerita dia mmg amat menarik and the best kalo nak dibandingkan dengan other JongKey ff.Mmg sngat lain.Saya rasa mcm real sngat bila baca ff nie.JongKey! JongKey! Btw,On2min pun ada jugak dalam cerita nie.Kalo nak tau lebih lanjut,baca sendirilah.Baru feeling tue lebih best! All I have to say is Making An Exception is the best fan finction that I've read.Really.This ff makes me want to read only JongKey ff after this.Hee~Herm~Mesti ada orang yg bersangka pelik dengan saya kan sebab saya terlalu gilakan GuyxGuy ff.Ah,don't mind about it.Hnya fangirl yg memahami fangirl.Hanya True Shawol yg memahami True Shawol.Hnya Locket yg memahami Locket :) That's it.MAE is the only ff that makes me crazy after finish reading it.I'm shaking like crazy.Then,I Tweet too much in Twitter about MAE last night.I can't help my JongKey feelings.Roommate sy pun hairan tengok saya semalam.Hnya Nini yg senyum-senyum tengok saya.Dia lama suda alami apa yg saya alami semalam.Dia ckap MAE tue adalah Top 3 JongKey ff bagi dia.Saya pulak ckap yg MAE tue adalah No.1 ff of all SHINee ff for me.Hahaha.Mmg MAE is my No.1 ff now.JongKey! Wae? Wae? Watak Jonghyun dengan Key mmg seems so real that makes me so crazy.They are so sweet! Ahhhhhhhh~Ahhhhhhh~I can't! JongKey ah~Bcuz of this MAE ff,I named my Lovely laptop 'JongKey'.Hahaha.Sy recommend kalo ada orang nak baca MAE nie,don't ever skip other chapter.Baca satu-satu perkataan dia and read slowly.Pastikan mood baik.And jngan lupa baca +chapter jugak.Omomomo~Saya mmg suda terlebih over kan.Here I am,mengarut and mengarut lagi.Btw,since I know Nini Locket,dia selalu tidur dengan saya.Satu katil.So sweet~Hehehe.Walaupun sempit tapi bahagia tue tidur dengan 'madu'.Semalam pun saya tidur dengan dia lagi.Sebelum tidur,we talk about SHINee and MAE until 3 am.Thanx to Nini for introducing me to such a wonderful,beautiful,sweet,epic,precious,amazing Fanfiction of JongKey! Nini ah~Let's love our SHINee until forever okay :)
Btw,tak lama lagi B'day Kibummie kesayangan saya.Yah! Yah! Yah! Nini and me already plan to do something on the day of our Husband Key B'day :) Thinking about Kibum's B'day,I feel like crying.Really~Btw,this Gif is too cute! Puppy Loves Kitty shoo much.Kitty Loves Puppy too.And I love my both Kitty and Puppy!

Le Me Is Back!
Monday, August 13, 2012 | 11:50 PM | 0 comments

Lalala~Al-maklumlah,sebulan lebih tak jumpa family kan.Then,naik ETS with 2 classmates saya.It's a nice trip with them.Smpai jak KL Sentral,teruja and happynya kami.Lemme tell.Saya tak balik Sabah 10 August.Bcuz that 10 August eomma and ahjumma (aunty) saya dtg KL bcuz dorang nak shopping kat KL for few days.Secara kebetulannya,uncle sy pun ada kat KL jugak waktu tue.So,dia suru Driver dia bawa kami pegi Mid Valley.Jalan-jalan kat Mid Valley then shopping-shopping apa yg patut.Lepas tue kami balik hotel jam 2 pagi sbab uncle saya tue bawa kami makan kat restoran Thailand kat KL.Then,balik hotel sebelah Pavillion tue atas sponsor baik uncle sy yg mmg selalu dtg KL atas urusan business.Hari kedua,Hahahahahha.Di suatu pagi yg indah~Sewaktu saya,eomma and ahjumma tgah bersiap-sedia untuk pegi Shopping,tiba-tiba~tiba-tiba~kami terdengar satu bunyi yg mengejutkan dari bilik sebelah.Bunyi yg amat tidak enak untuk didengari oleh jiran sebelah bilik okay.We're like~

Tapi yg best,yg best~saya terjumpa kedai yg jual K-Pop stuff.Dari jauh lg actually sy tertarik suda dengan kedai tue.Then,saya minta izin dengan eomma sy untuk pegi that kedai.Bila sy hmpiri ja kedai tue tiba-tiba saya ternampak~Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! Saya ternampak K-Pop Button Badge! Terlalu bnyak.Mata saya cari SHINee punya dulu.Then,Chajatta.Then,uncle kat kedai tue tunjukkan saya satu kotak yg penuh dengan K-Pop Button Badge.Dia suru saya pilih di sana.Rambang mata saya.Ah~Ah~Sebelum pilih tue saya call dulu Twin Sisters saya.Dorang pun nak jugak.My Twin sisters,1 is a Triple S and 1 is an A+.So,selain pilih SHINee Button Badge,saya pilih jugak MBLAQ and SS501 punya BB.Rambang lagi mata saya nak pilih yg cntik-cntik.Hehehe.Lepas pilih BB,saya cari keychain lagi.Then jumpa lagi apa yg sy nak.Actually,selain Button Badge and Keychain,ada lagi stuff K-Pop yg lain tapi xder SHINee punya,so Le Me tak belilah.Hehehe.Btw,selain K-Pop Stuff,kat kedai tue ada jugak jual One Direction and other hollywood singer punya stuff.And suda semestinya saya turut beli 1D's BB.Hehehe.Kat Kompleks PKNS tue,orang lain shopping barang raya,saya pula shopping K-Pop stuff or atau lebih tepat SHINee,1D,MBLAQ and SS501 stuff.Puas hati owh~Lalalala~Then,bye-bye KL.See ya! Dalam kapal tue sy tak senang duduk.Tak sabar nak balik Sabah n tak sabar nak jumpa family yg lain.Then,bila nmpak ja pemandangan Sabah dari atas kapal tue,hanya Allah S.W.T ja yg tau perasaan saya.Lebarnya senyuman~Akhirnya,saya smpai jugak kat Sabah.Alhamdullilah.And here I am now,dekat my home sweet home,house sweet house.Hehehehe.Okay.I shudda stop here.Later sy akan buat entry pasal my college life and SHINee pulak okay.Annyeong GoodBye Adios.Teruskan Berpuasa Yer!

In Addition-Le Me proud with them.Louis is sho happy and proud about this! He even Tweet about this. Haha.Don't laugh at Harry's face okay.He always sing like that.Bravo One Direction! Imma Proud Directioners :)
It's A Shawols And SHINee's Things
Friday, June 29, 2012 | 11:14 PM | 0 comments

Sherlock MV Views/SHINee Losing Their Popularity?

Shawols Nowadays

Ha! This one.Inilah point untuk entry hari nie.Inilah yg telah lama saya simpan.Shawols Nowadays.And mgkin kat point nie jugaklah orang akan start menyampah dengan Le Me.What's wrong with Shawols?Nada~Wala'.Nothing's wrong. Ada tak fangirl yg pernah marah Fandom sendiri? Ada kan. Le Me! Yup.Shawols.*cough*cough* Not all Shawols okay.But some of them.Shawols yg setia,tolong jangan terasa.Here's the things. Saya nak 'marah' Shawols nie.Kalo korang dah start menyampah skrg nie,baik jgan teruskan baca entry saya nie.Saya takut nanti ada orang yg akan berapi *fire*fire.Lalalalala~Shawol,Shawols.Le Me miwo some Shawols.Wae? Dulu waktu SHINee Hiatus almost 2 years,dorang selalu ckap itulah,inilah,about when will SHINee's make a Comeback.Sedih-sedih.Nangis-nangis.Tired of waitinglah.Inilah.Itulah.BlaBlaBla.Saya pun mcam tue jugak.Tapi saya lain.Apa yg lain? Kesetiaan.Loyalty.Bila SHINee dah buat Comeback nie sesetengah Shawol mcam 'puas' dengan SHINee hnya untuk sementara waktu jer.Then,dorang 'tinggalkan' SHINee.And pindah dekat fandom lain.Okay.Saya mmg tiada hak nak suruh Shawols 'stay' dengan SHINee tapi bila all this things dah jadi makin berleluasa,saya pun kdg-kdg naik menyampah jugak.Sorry.Well,siapalah saya kan? Saya hnya True Loyal Shawols yg tidak suka dengan Fangirl yg tidak setia.*cough*cough* Mesti tahap menyampah kat saya skrg nie dah makin tinggi kan.Gibeom ah~Eotokajji? I'm such a really an annoying girl rite. Satu lagi,berdasarkan penyiasatan saya,mgkin mmg bnyak orang dah tau kan kebanyakan Shawols skrg juga adalah Exotics.Sangat bnyak.Sorry,kalo Exotics terasa but this is the truth okay.Mula-mula saya fikir sy sorang ja yg sedar pasal hal nie tapi rupa-rupanya,I'm not alone.Actually,lot of Shawols realize about that.Dorang sendiri mengaku.Okay.Ada good point and bad point tentang hal nie.Herm.
Saya akan ckap pasal Bad Point dululah okay.Bad Pointnya,ada Shawols yg terus tinggalkan SHINee dan terus tukar Fandom dorang.Got what I mean? Mksud saya,dorang langsung tidak pedulikan SHINee lah lepas tue.They leave SHINee forever.Le Me sangat sakit hati dengan ex-Shawols yg mcam tue.Sangat sakit hati.How could them? Argh. But,what to do? Just ignorelah kan.Lagipun,SHINee tak layak ada fans yg tak setia mcam dorang.Okay,Good Point.The Good Point is,walaupun some Shawols tue minat kat Exo and they're officially Exotics,tapi dorang tak tinggalkan SHINee.Vice versalah.Dorang masih layan SHINee and they talk about SHINee.Actually,daripada dulu lagi,saya mmg anti dengan orang yg tak setia nie.Tak kiralah setia dari segi itu ke,ini ke,asal dah nama tak setia tue mmg Le Me benci.Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry.Le Me sedar yg Le Me tak berhak nak tahan hati fans untuk kekal dengan SHINee kan.Sobs.Sobs.I just want some True Loyal Shawols.Omomomo~Crazyness saya mmg datang suda nie.I shudda stop now but this is not the time for me to stop.Not this part.Heee~Mehee.Tehee.Kadang-kadang saya terfikir jugak,ada tak fangirls kat luar sana yg mcama saya nie? Bukan sama gila mcam saya tapi tentang kesetiaan hanya pada 1 group.Actually,mmg bnyak group K-Pop yg saya minat.Boys and Girls group.Also solos'.Tapi saya berikan masa saya sepenuhnya kepada SHINee.No other groups.I spent most of my time spazzing about SHINee,SHINee and SHINee.Only SHINee.1D kes lain okay.They're not K-Pop groups,so it's different.Am I the only one like that? Stick to only one Precious Group?
Aha! DaDaDa! Ini lagi satu kes Shawols.Hahahaha.Actually,saya tak nak orang tau masalah fandom saya tapi bila saya nmpak masalah nie semakin rumit antara sesetengah Shawols,I don't have a choice.It's about Onew Petition.Apa itu Onew Petition? Kalo nak tau dengan lebih lanjut click One Two Three.Kalo tak faham and tak berapa jelas,saya jelaskan sini yer.Tapi sikit jer.Actually Onew Petition nie dibuat oleh MVPs(nama fans Onew) yang tak puas hati dengan layanan SMent terhadap Onew.So,petition nie akan dibuat dan dihantar untuk SMent.Lagipun,MVPs nak SMent buat aktiviti solo untuk Onew.Yelah,sebelum SHINee comeback dengan Sherlock,Onew 'hilang' daripada SHINee dalam 2 bulan macam tue.Then,member SHINee yg lain ada aktiviti solo sendiri tapi Onew tiada.Actually Jonghyun pun tiada.Tapi mungkin MVPs lagi terasa sebab Onew dah 'hilang' 2 bulan tapi lepas SHINee dah Comeback,dia takder apa-apa aktiviti solo. Walaupun saya bukan MVPs but I'm a Shawol.Bila MVPs menghadapi sebarang masalah yg mcam nie,saya turut terasa kesannya.Yang palik teruk,sorry to MVPs kalo korang terasa dengan apa yg sy nak tulis lepas nie.Some MVPs not all MVPs are too emotional.Emotional macamana? That MVPs leave SHINee.Kali nie,dorang bukan tinggalkan SHINee untuk group lain,tapi dorang tinggalkan SHINee sebab dorang dah tak tahan dengan SHINee.Dorang tak tahan tengok Onew kat SHINee sebab dorang rasa Onew mcam tidak dipedulikan lagi di SHINee.Saya sedih bila ada Shawols yg bergaduh sesama sendiri.I don't want my Fandom be like that.Sobs.Sobs.Btw,I told you,Imma Good Stalker and a Good Investigator.Kononlah.Hee~So,saya ada stalk lah satu Twitter Hard MVPs nie.Saya baca Tweet dia.Baca and baca.Bila saya baca tue,mmg sakit hatilah.Boleh-boleh dia tulis mcam tue? Apa yg dia tulis? Chagamman.So,lepas 2 hari saya baca Tweet-Tweet dia and dia asyik ckap benda yg sama jer,saya tak boleh terima lagi apa yg dia tulis and then sy startlah Tweet dengan dia.Saya yg 1st tegur dia.Then saya tnya dia dengan sopan.Are you a Shawol? Then,dia balas 'A shawol who recently turned into a just mvp'.See? This kind of ex-Shawols.
Actually lemme just call her 'fans'.I don't wanna call her MVPs,although she is.This fans,dia bnyak Tweet yg dia tak puas hati dengan member SHINee yg lain.Dia kutuk this member and that member of SHINee.Macam-mcam yg dia Tweet yg membuat saya sngat sakit hati.Pndai-pandai ja dia kan.So,pasal tuelah sy start Tweet dengan dia.Tapi waktu sy Tweet dia mmg saya sngat sopan.Hehehhe.Actually,she's a nice person.She's not that bad bila saya dah start Tweet dengan dia.Then,kami Tweet-Tweet.Sy yg bnyak tnya dia soalan n dia jawablah.Then,lepas tnya itu,ini,saya mau akhirilah Tweet-Tweet kami.And sebelum sy akhiri Tweet-Tweet kami tue,saya sempat lagi kasi nasihat dia.I ask her to not hating on other SHINee members bcuz we fans didn't know anything about what happen between them.And dia terima lah apa yg sy ckap kat dia tue .Lepas saya dah luahkan kat that fans apa yg sy rasa,saya puas.Then,keesokan harinya,saya stalk lagi dia punya Twitter.Saya baca Tweet dia.Baca and baca.Rupa-rupanya,this fans masih lagi kutuk other SHINee members.Punya panas hati saya.Sabo jerlah~Saya tak percaya yg seorang Shawol boleh-boleh ckap macam tue kat SHINee members.I mean ex-Shawols.So,bagi saya tiada gunanyalah saya nak nasihatkan lagi fans yg mcam tue sbab saya tau dia takkan berhenti.Actually,dalam 4 member SHINee yg lain iaitu Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin ada satu member yg dia sngat benci.Based on what she Tweets until now.Sangat menyedihkan.Smpai skrg bila saya baca Tweet dia,ada ja Tweet yg bukan-bukan dia cakap about that 1 member.Sobs.Sobs.Sampai hati dia.Actually,dia menyampah dengan SHINee members yg lain sebab dia fikir yg member lain tak layan Onew.And dia selalu ckap yg hubungan antara Onew and JongKey2min bukan mcam hubungan dorang yg dulu lagi.About this things,I don't want to give any comment.Imma Shawol and saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan SHINee yg terbaru.Through pic and videos.And I'm not blind.For me that fans think negatively.Cubalah dia think positive kan.Yg sy menyampah,that fans ckap mcam tue kat member SHINee yg lain mcamlah dia betul-betul kenal dengan SHINee tue.Macamlah dia pernah jumpa dorang.Aish.Apa teruk sngat ke 4 member yg lain tue lebih-lebih lagi 1 drpd 4 member tue di mata dia? For me it's easy.Just don't make any conclusion if you don't know anything.Satu lagi SMent.As a Shawol,mmg saya rasa SMent tidak berikan layanan yg adil terhadap Onew.Especially SHINee's Member B'day Party last year.Last year,SMent buat B'day Party untuk semua SHINee members kecuali Onew.Ha~I smell something fishy SMent.Wae you make my Onew like that? Wae? Wae? And pasal kes Onew 'hilang' tue pun mmg menjadi tnda tnya jugak.SMent didn't give any comment about that.Bila saya baca Onew Petition 1 2 3 tue, mmg buat sy terfikir pnjng juga mcamana SMent layan Onew sebelum nie.Saya cuma berharap yg lepas nie SMent tidak akan buat apa-apa perkara buruk yg boleh menjejaskan SHINee saya and Shawols.
Kalo SHINee cakap "We're living in the SM Town" saya pula cakap " I live in a SHINee World".Yeah! Forever living in a SHINee World.It's really hard for me to stay away from this Fandom you know.Hahahaha.I told you,Imma such a crazy,annoying,and over Shawol.But,inside,I'm just a Loyal True Shawol that will always be by SHINee side forever.No matter what happen,I won't leave them.I will always support them.You have to accept that.Mian.That's me.Fangirls,just cherish your moment as a Fangirl.Okay,so I guess this is the end of my entry today.Maybe entry yg buat orang panas sangat dengan saya kan.Again,kalo ada sesiapa terasa dengan entry saya kali nie,I'm Sorry *bow*bow*bow*bow* Wait.You still mad? Then,just keep mad.Hahahaha.Joking! Okay,saya dedicated lagu Nie untuk Shawols,ex-Shawols and everyone lah.Hehehehe.Annyeong.Good Bye.Adios!
Saya akan ckap pasal Bad Point dululah okay.Bad Pointnya,ada Shawols yg terus tinggalkan SHINee dan terus tukar Fandom dorang.Got what I mean? Mksud saya,dorang langsung tidak pedulikan SHINee lah lepas tue.They leave SHINee forever.Le Me sangat sakit hati dengan ex-Shawols yg mcam tue.Sangat sakit hati.How could them? Argh. But,what to do? Just ignorelah kan.Lagipun,SHINee tak layak ada fans yg tak setia mcam dorang.Okay,Good Point.The Good Point is,walaupun some Shawols tue minat kat Exo and they're officially Exotics,tapi dorang tak tinggalkan SHINee.Vice versalah.Dorang masih layan SHINee and they talk about SHINee.Actually,daripada dulu lagi,saya mmg anti dengan orang yg tak setia nie.Tak kiralah setia dari segi itu ke,ini ke,asal dah nama tak setia tue mmg Le Me benci.Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry.Le Me sedar yg Le Me tak berhak nak tahan hati fans untuk kekal dengan SHINee kan.Sobs.Sobs.I just want some True Loyal Shawols.Omomomo~Crazyness saya mmg datang suda nie.I shudda stop now but this is not the time for me to stop.Not this part.Heee~Mehee.Tehee.Kadang-kadang saya terfikir jugak,ada tak fangirls kat luar sana yg mcama saya nie? Bukan sama gila mcam saya tapi tentang kesetiaan hanya pada 1 group.Actually,mmg bnyak group K-Pop yg saya minat.Boys and Girls group.Also solos'.Tapi saya berikan masa saya sepenuhnya kepada SHINee.No other groups.I spent most of my time spazzing about SHINee,SHINee and SHINee.Only SHINee.1D kes lain okay.They're not K-Pop groups,so it's different.Am I the only one like that? Stick to only one Precious Group?
Onew Petition

Actually lemme just call her 'fans'.I don't wanna call her MVPs,although she is.This fans,dia bnyak Tweet yg dia tak puas hati dengan member SHINee yg lain.Dia kutuk this member and that member of SHINee.Macam-mcam yg dia Tweet yg membuat saya sngat sakit hati.Pndai-pandai ja dia kan.So,pasal tuelah sy start Tweet dengan dia.Tapi waktu sy Tweet dia mmg saya sngat sopan.Hehehhe.Actually,she's a nice person.She's not that bad bila saya dah start Tweet dengan dia.Then,kami Tweet-Tweet.Sy yg bnyak tnya dia soalan n dia jawablah.Then,lepas tnya itu,ini,saya mau akhirilah Tweet-Tweet kami.And sebelum sy akhiri Tweet-Tweet kami tue,saya sempat lagi kasi nasihat dia.I ask her to not hating on other SHINee members bcuz we fans didn't know anything about what happen between them.And dia terima lah apa yg sy ckap kat dia tue .Lepas saya dah luahkan kat that fans apa yg sy rasa,saya puas.Then,keesokan harinya,saya stalk lagi dia punya Twitter.Saya baca Tweet dia.Baca and baca.Rupa-rupanya,this fans masih lagi kutuk other SHINee members.Punya panas hati saya.Sabo jerlah~Saya tak percaya yg seorang Shawol boleh-boleh ckap macam tue kat SHINee members.I mean ex-Shawols.So,bagi saya tiada gunanyalah saya nak nasihatkan lagi fans yg mcam tue sbab saya tau dia takkan berhenti.Actually,dalam 4 member SHINee yg lain iaitu Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin ada satu member yg dia sngat benci.Based on what she Tweets until now.Sangat menyedihkan.Smpai skrg bila saya baca Tweet dia,ada ja Tweet yg bukan-bukan dia cakap about that 1 member.Sobs.Sobs.Sampai hati dia.Actually,dia menyampah dengan SHINee members yg lain sebab dia fikir yg member lain tak layan Onew.And dia selalu ckap yg hubungan antara Onew and JongKey2min bukan mcam hubungan dorang yg dulu lagi.About this things,I don't want to give any comment.Imma Shawol and saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan SHINee yg terbaru.Through pic and videos.And I'm not blind.For me that fans think negatively.Cubalah dia think positive kan.Yg sy menyampah,that fans ckap mcam tue kat member SHINee yg lain mcamlah dia betul-betul kenal dengan SHINee tue.Macamlah dia pernah jumpa dorang.Aish.Apa teruk sngat ke 4 member yg lain tue lebih-lebih lagi 1 drpd 4 member tue di mata dia? For me it's easy.Just don't make any conclusion if you don't know anything.Satu lagi SMent.As a Shawol,mmg saya rasa SMent tidak berikan layanan yg adil terhadap Onew.Especially SHINee's Member B'day Party last year.Last year,SMent buat B'day Party untuk semua SHINee members kecuali Onew.Ha~I smell something fishy SMent.Wae you make my Onew like that? Wae? Wae? And pasal kes Onew 'hilang' tue pun mmg menjadi tnda tnya jugak.SMent didn't give any comment about that.Bila saya baca Onew Petition 1 2 3 tue, mmg buat sy terfikir pnjng juga mcamana SMent layan Onew sebelum nie.Saya cuma berharap yg lepas nie SMent tidak akan buat apa-apa perkara buruk yg boleh menjejaskan SHINee saya and Shawols.
I live in a SHINee World

I want to become the SHINee that will exist in you hearts and be remembered forever-Old Man Jinki
Fly High To Perak
Thursday, June 28, 2012 | 10:51 PM | 2 comments

Then,bila dah start masuk Form 6 tue,waktu 1st week orientasi,cikgu ada tnya lah kat students F6,'Siapa yg jadikan F6 nie tempat persinggahan dia untuk sementara jer?'.Cikgu suruh angkat tangan.And saya dengan bangganya langsung tidak angkat tangan.Saya cuma kira students yg angkat tangan ja.Hehehe.Waktu tue dalam fikiran saya,saya mmg akan stay di Form 6 ambil STPM.Lagipun,sy mmg suda sngat selesa dengan F6 and boleh dikatakan in lovelah dengan F6 walaupun sy tau yg sebenarnya dunia F6 hnya indah waktu orientasi ja.Saya tak kisah.Saya berjanji dengan diri saya jugak yg sy akan study smart and hard for F6.Sehinggalah~Sehinggalah~detik 30 May 2012 muncul.Dan! Dan! Dan! That day,eomma saya tiba-tiba ja suruh saya check web MARA.Dia cakap 'Bagus kau check MARA.Lama suda kau ndak check kan.Mana tau kau dapat'.Then saya pun 'Bha.Yalah bu.Cuba ja'.Waktu tue,saya lgsung tidak harapkan apa-apa.Actually,that time sy mmg suda boring and muak dengan semua yg ada kaitan dengan check-check nie.Cuz asal saya check,itu tak dapat.Check ini tak dapat.Betapa kecewanya saya~Kiranya mcam putus asalah.Herm!*flashback* Sebelum F6 start,sy mmg selalu check web MARA jugak.Manalah tau result dia suda keluar kan.Tapi saya bingung.Sy checklah dekat internet bila result MARA keluar.

Bila saya tau yg sy akan tinggalkan F6,mmg saya sngat sedih.Rasa sebak di dada.I'm thinking,what about my friends at La Salle? I'm gonna miss them.Old friends,New Friends and JR.Sobs.Tapi bila saya ingat muka eomma sy yg sngat gembira bila dia tau yg sy dapat MARA,saya fikir positif.Think positive.For my family and myself,I'm gonna do it.I promise.So,that's the story.Fly High yg sy maksudkan kat entry-entry sebelum nie adalah bermakna saya akan terbang tinggi.Hehehehe.Macamana nak terbang tinggi? Naik kapal terbang lah.Hahahaha.Ya.Saya akan Fly High pegi Perak.This 2nd July.Wah~Tak lama lagi kan.Saya belum packing lagi nie eh.Imma Lazy Girl.Kadang-kadang dalam hidup nie,untuk kita nak dpatkan mana-mana tawaran Universti,Kolej and sewaktu dengannya,tidak semuanya bergantung kepada result SPM kita.Tidak semestinya hnya orang yg pandai ja dapat tempat and orang yg kurang pandai pulak tidak dapat tempat.Kdg-kdg,ianya bergantung kepada rezeki kita.Di mana kita dapat,di situlah tempat kita.Rezeki saya dapat kat KPMSI Perak.Amin.Saya sngat bersyukur.
*Ignore Gif* Walaupun lepas nie saya akan tinggalkan keluarga saya yg tersayang dan negeri sy yg tercinta,saya terima semua tue dengan hati terbuka.Lagipun appa sy nak saya belajar hidup berdikari.Bila lagi kan? Sebelum nie saya tak pernah berpisah dengan parents saya.And yes.Pemergian saya ke Perak nie nanti akan jadi perpisahan pertama saya antara saya dengan Parents saya.Sobs.Sobs.Nonoi ah~Hwaiting! Siapa yg tak sedih kan bila nak berpisah dengan keluarga dia? Herm~Sabah---->Perak----->Sabah----->Perak------> Tapi walau bagaimanapun,saya happy sebab nanti Parents sy akan hantar saya pegi Perak.Dorang akan stay 2 malam kat Perak.Komawo appa,eomma.Nomu-nomu Saranghae.Btw,pegi Perak maknanya mmg saya betul-betul akan tinggalkan Internet World.Yeah.Appa didn't buy me a Laptop for now.Lapitopi.It's okay.And,sy kena siapkan diri saya untuk tinggalkan SHINee saya buat sementara waktu.Sobs.Sobs.Mgkin bukan sekejap.Tapi ketahuilah,saya tidak akan singkirkan SHINee daripada hati saya walaupun saya tidak tau apa-apa perkembangan dorang untuk beberapa bulan.Kalo ada Wi-Fi kat sana,Amin.CC? Le Me don't want to go there unless Le Me really have to go.Btw,ckap pasal SHINee nie,ada satu lagi entry yg saya suda lama simpan and pendam dalam hati.Wah.Bahaya saya nie.Asyik memendam jer.Okay,saya tak mau pendam-pendam lagi.Saya akan buat entry pasal SHINee/Shawol later.Yg telah lama tersimpan dalam lubuk hati ini.Alamak,saya suda makin over.So,I better stop now.Eh~Hey.Lalalalalala~So,Goodbye! Don't cry and smile :)
Opportunity does not knock,it presents itself when you beat down the door